Principal Investigator
Kai A. James, PhD

- PhD, Aerospace Engineering, University of Toronto
- MASc, Aerospace Engineering, University of Toronto
- BASc, Engineering Science, University of Toronto
- Associate Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022 – present
- Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021 – 2022
- Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015 – 2021
- Affiliated Faculty, Computational Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016 – 2022
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, 2012 – 2015
Dr. James’ research interests are in the areas of computational mechanics and multidisciplinary design optimization, with a particular focus on problems involving complex, nonlinear structures and mechanisms. He is especially interested in developing novel algorithms that leverage high-fidelity computational models and numerical optimization methods. Some of his major research projects include aerostructural optimization of electric aircraft wings, design optimization of self-actuating morphable structures containing active materials, and generative adversarial neural networks for design automation. Beyond his technical interests, Dr. James is also passionate about increasing diversity in the STEM fields through outreach to economically disadvantaged students and underrepresented minorities
Current Graduate Students
Ghanendra Das

- PhD, Aerospace Engineering
- Joined in August, 2019
- Thesis topic: Topology optimization of eVTOL aircraft structure for crashworthiness
Bello Waheed Babatunde

- PhD, Aerospace Engineering
- Joined in August 2020
- Thesis topic: Aero-thermostructural design optimization of a heat exchanger
Daniel Oluwalana

- PhD, Aerospace Engineering
- Joined in August 2023
- Thesis topic: 3D Aerostructural Optimization of Flexible Wing with Large Deformations.
William Boynton

- PhD, Aerospace Engineering
- Joined in January 2024
- Thesis topic: Computational design of morphing shape-memory polymer mechanisms with optimized joule heating.
Deon Wallace

- PhD, Aerospace Engineering
- Joined in August 2024
- Thesis topic: Topology optimization of reusable hypersonic vehicles for damage prediction and mitigation.
- Corey Parrott, PhD 2023: Multidisciplinary topology optimization using generative adversarial networks
- Lee Alacoque, PhD 2023: 3D topology optimization with variable boundary conditions (Currently a structural optimization engineer at Divergent)
- Rachel Harvey, MS 2023: Structural and aerodynamic optimization of a bi-stable airfoil
- Prateek Ranjan, PhD 2022: High-fidelity aerostructural optimization of electric aircraft (Currently a postdoctoral researcher at MIT)
- Kenneth Swartz, PhD 2021: Topology optimization of metamaterials with photonic band gaps (Currently a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Anurag Bhattacharyya, PhD 2021: Hierarchical design of morphing shape-memory polymer structures via topology optimization (Currently a research scientist at Palo Alto Research Center)
- Ziliang Kang, PhD 2021: Multiphysics topology optimization of programmable shape memory alloy-based smart structures (Currently a postdoctoral researcher at MIT)
- Patrick Kelley, MS 2021: Computational synthesis of multi-body mechanisms
- Alex Jessee, MS 2019: Simultaneous packing and routing optimization of thermal-fluid systems
- Cian Conlan-Smith, MS 2017: Topology optimization of functionally graded compliant mechanisms
Undergraduate Students & Independent Study Projects
- Hyeonbi Jee & Lalitha Dhyaram, Independent Study, Fall 2024: Experimental Testing and Analysis of Vehicle Impact Response
- Aarav Sharma & Utkarsh Bansal, Independent Study, Spring 2024 – Fall 2024: Topology Optimization of a Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Catarina Ferraz, Gurnek Singh & Hyeonbi Jee, Independent Study, Spring 2024: Analysis and Design of VTOL Aircraft Structures for Improved Vehicle Crashworthiness
- Hang Zhang, Independent Study, Spring 2023: Parametric analysis of design considerations in crashworthy structures
- Priyanka Sarangabany, Independent Study, Fall 2021: Automated spatial packing of rectangular components
- Wanzheng Zheng, Independent Study, Fall 2020 – Spring 2021: Computational design and experimental testing of a flexible bi-stable airfoil for flow control
- Jin-Young Kim, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Summer 2020: Experimental characterization of shape-memory polymer mechanisms.
- Tyler Turman, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer 2020: Multi-point design optimization of an electric aircraft wing
- Arnav Srikanth, Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP) Summer 2019: Airfoil shape optimization using XFOIL
- Yeshern Maharaj, Independent Study, Fall 2018 – SPring 2019: Topology optimization of a non-pneumatic tire with stress and buckling constraints
- Nicholas Anderson, Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)/Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) Summer 2018/Fall 2018: Design of shape memory polymer-based 4D-printed mechanisms
- Charul Chadha, Independent Study, Spring 2018: Topology optimization of 3D-printed structures subject to design-dependent thermal loading
- Connor Daly, Senior Project Spring 2018: Shape optimization of turbine blades
- Darrius Stamps, Independent Study, Fall 2017 – Spring 2018: Optimal design of polymorphic shape memory polymers via 4D printing
- Nicholas Napier, Independent Study, Fall 2016 – Spring 2017: Post-processing of topology optimized designs using an artificial neural network
- Sai Sriraman, Independent Study, Fall 2016 – Spring 2017: Automated interpolation of topology optimized designs for 3D prototyping