Articles in Refereed Journals
- Alacoque, Lee R., Anurag Bhattacharyya, and Kai A. James. “Compliant Mechanism Synthesis Using Nonlinear Elastic Topology Optimization With Variable Boundary Conditions.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2024): e7613. [pdf][bib][doi]
- Alacoque Lee R., Bulliet Richard W. and James Kai A. 2024 “Reconstructing the invention of the wheel using computational structural analysis and design” R. Soc. Open Sci.11240373. [pdf][bib][doi]
- W. Bello, S.R. Peddada, A. Bhattacharyya, L. Zeidner, J.T. Allison and K.A. James, “Multi-Physics 3D Component Placement and Routing Optimization Using Geometric Projection”. Journal of Mechanical Design, Published Online: January 12, 2024, Paper No: MD-23-1399. [pdf][bib][doi]
- A. Bhattacharyya, J.-Y. Kim, L.R. Alacoque and K.A. James, “Design Synthesis of a 4D-Printed Self-Tying Knot with Programmable Morphology”. Journal of Mechanical Design, 146(6):063303 (11 pages), 2024. [pdf][bib][doi]
- K.A. James, P.L. Kelley, Z. Kang, A. Bhattacharyya, and L.R. Alacoque, “Computational Synthesis of Wheeled Vehicles Via Multi-Layer Topology Optimization”. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479(2277):22 pages, 2023. [bib][doi]
- S.R.T. Peddada, N.M. Dunfield, L.E. Zeidner, Z.R. Givans, K.A. James and J.T. Allison, “Enumeration and Identification of Unique 3D Spatial Topologies of Interconnected Engineering Systems Using Spatial Graphs”. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 145(10): 101708 (16 pages), 2023. [pdf][bib][doi]
- C.M. Parrott, D.W. Abueidda and K.A. James, “Multidisciplinary Topology Optimization Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Physics-Based Design Enhancement”. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 145(6): 061704 (13 pages), 2023. [bib][doi]
- C.M. Parrott, D.W. Abueidda and K.A. James, “Multi-Head Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks for Multiphysics Topology Optimization”. AIAA Journal, 61(2):726–738, 2023. [bib][doi]
- C. Laird, Z. Kang, K.A. James, A.G. Alleyne, “Framework for integrated plant and control optimization of electro-thermal systems: An energy storage system case study”, Energy, 258:124855, 2022. [pdf][bib][doi]
- C. Chadha, K.A. James, I.M. Jasiuk, and A.E. Patterson, “Extending the operating life of thermoplastic components via on-demand patching and repair using fused filament fabrication”. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 6(5), 103, 2022.[bib][doi]
- S.R.T. Peddada, L.E. Zeidner, H.T. Ilies, K.A. James and J.T. Allison, “Toward Holistic Design of Spatial Packaging of Interconnected Systems With Physical Interactions (SPI2)”. Journal of Mechanical Design, 144(12): 120801 (15 pages), 2022.[pdf][bib][doi]
- D.W. Abueidda, S. Koric, R.A. Al-Rub, C.M. Parrott, K.A. James and N.A. Sobh, “A deep learning energy method for hyperelasticity and viscoelasticity”. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 95:104639, 2022.[pdf][bib][doi]
- K.E. Swartz, D.A. Tortorelli, D.A. White, and KA. James, “Manufacturing and stiffness constraints for topology optimized periodic structures”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65(129), 2022. [pdf][bib][doi]
- Z. Kang, K.A. James and D.A. Tortorelli, “Parallel projection—an improved return mapping algorithm for finite element modeling of shape memory alloys”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 389:114364, 2022. [pdf][bib][doi]
- Z. Kang and K.A. James, “Multiphysics design of programmable shape-memory alloy-based smart structures via topology optimization”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65(24):31 pages, 2022.[pdf][bib][doi]
- L. Alacoque and K.A. James, “Topology optimization with variable loads and supports using a super-gaussian projection function”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65(50):15 pages, 2022. [pdf][bib][doi]
- A. Collazo Garcia, P. Ranjan, K.J. Chen, K.A. James and P.J. Ansell, “Flight trajectory optimization of a sailplane after rope break”. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 58(6):1229-1241, 2021.[bib][doi]
- A.A. Lad, K.A. James W. King and N. Mijlkovic, “Reduced order design optimization of liquid cooled heat sinks”. ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, 143(4):041105 (12 pages), 2021.[pdf][bib][doi]
- K.E. Swartz, D.A. White, D.A. Tortorelli and K.A. James, “Topology optimization of 3D photonic crystals with complete bandgaps”. Optics Express, 29(14):22170–22191, 2021.[pdf][bib][doi]
- D. Docimo, Z. Kang, K.A. James, and A. Alleyne, “Plant and controller optimization for power and energy systems with model predictive control”. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 143(8): 081009 (12 pages), 2021.[pdf][bib][doi]
- A. Bhattacharyya, and K.A. James, “Topology optimization of shape-memory polymer structures with programmable morphology”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 63:1863–1887, 2021.[pdf][bib][doi]
- D. Abueidda, Z. Kang, S. Koric, K.A. James and I. Jasiuk, “Topology optimization for three-dimensional elasto-plastic architected materials using a path-dependent adjoint method”. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 22(8):1889–1910, 2021. [pdf][bib][doi]
- S. Peddada, K.A. James and J.T. Allison, “A novel two-stage design framework for 2D spatial packing of interconnected components”. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 143(3): 031706 (12 pages), 2021.[pdf][bib][doi]
- A. Jessee, S. Padadda, D. Lohan, J.T. Allison and K.A. James, “Simultaneous packing and routing optimization using geometric projection”. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(11):111702 (14 pages), 2020.[pdf][bib][doi]
- Z. Kang and K.A. James, “Thermomechanical topology optimization of shape-memory alloy structures using a transient bi-level adjoint method”. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(11):2558-2580, 2020.[pdf][bib][doi]
- D. Docimo, Z. Kang, K.A. James, and A. Alleyne, “A Novel Framework for Simultaneous Topology and Sizing Optimization of Complex, Multi-Domain Systems-of-Systems”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(9):091701(16 pages), 2020.[pdf][bib][doi]
- Y. Maharaj and K.A. James, “Metamaterial topology optimization of non-pneumatic tires with stress and buckling constraints”, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(7):1410-1439, 2020.[pdf][bib] [doi]
- P. Ranjan, W.H. Warton, and K.A. James, “On the accuracy of physics- and correlation-based turbulence models at low Reynolds numbers”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 57(1):128-142, 2020.[pdf] [bib][doi]
- V. Keshavarzzadeh and K.A. James, “Robust Multiphase Topology Optimization Accounting for Manufacturing Uncertainty via Stochastic Collocation”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 60:2461–2476, 2019. [pdf][bib][doi]
- K. Swartz and K.A. James, “Gaussian Layer Connectivity Parameterization: A New Approach to Topology Optimization of Multi-Body Mechanisms”, Computer-Aided Design. 115:42-51, 2019. [pdf][bib][doi]
- N. Napier, S.S. Sriraman, H.T. Tran, and K.A. James, “An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Generating High-Resolution Designs from Low-Resolution Input in Topology Optimization”, Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(1):1-11, 2020. [pdf][bib][doi]
- C. Conlan-Smith and K.A. James, “A stress-based topology optimization method for heterogeneous structures”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 60(1):167–183, 2019.[pdf][bib][doi]
- Z. Kang and K.A. James, “Multimaterial Topology Optimization for Elastic and Thermal Response”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 117(10):1019-1037, 2019.[pdf][bib][doi]
- A. Bhattacharyya, C. Conlan-Smith, and K.A. James. “Design of a bi-stable airfoil with tailored snap-through response using topology optimization”, Computer-Aided Design, 108:42-55, 2019. [pdf][bib][doi]
- P. Ranjan, P. Ansell, and K.A. James. “Optimal Hyper Elliptic Cambered Span Configurations for Minimum Drag”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 13(1):356-368, 2019.[pdf][bib][doi]
- K.A. James. “Multiphase Topology Design with Optimal Material Selection Using an Inverse P-norm Function”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 114(9):999-1017, 2018.[bib][doi]
- C. Conlan-Smith, A. Bhattacharyya, and K.A. James. “Optimal Design of Compliant Mechanisms Using Functionally Graded Materials”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 57(1):197-212, 2018.[pdf][bib][doi]
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “On the Importance of Viscoelastic Response Consideration in Structural Design Optimization”. Optimization and Engineering. 17(4):631–650, 2016. [pdf][bib][doi]
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Layout design of a bi-stable cardiovascular stent using topology optimization”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 305:169-890, 2016 [pdf][bib][doi]
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Topology optimization of viscoelastic structures using a time-dependent adjoint method”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 281:166-187, 2015.[bib][doi]
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Topology optimization of structures under variable loading using a damage superposition approach”. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 101(5):375-406, 2015.[bib][doi]
- K.A. James, G.J. Kennedy, and J.R.R.A. Martins. “Concurrent aerostructural topology optimization of a wing box”. Computers and Structures, 134:1–17, 2014.[bib][doi]
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Failure mitigation in optimal topology design using a coupled nonlinear continuum damage model”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 268:614–631, 2014.[bib][doi]
- K.A. James, E. Lee, and J.R.R.A. Martins. “Stress-based topology optimization using an isoparametric level set method”. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 58:20–30, 2012.[bib][doi]
- E. Lee, K.A. James, and J.R.R.A. Martins. “Stress-constrained topology optimization with design-dependent loading”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 46:647–661, 2012.[bib][doi]
- K.A. James and J.R.R.A. Martins. “An isoparametric approach to level set topology optimization using a body-fitted finite element mesh”. Computers and Structures, 90–91:97–106, 2012.[bib][doi]
- K.A. James, J.R.R.A. Martins, and J. Hansen. “Structural topology optimization for multiple load cases using a dynamic aggregation technique”. Engineering Optimization, 41:1103–1118, 2009.[bib][doi]
Articles and Abstracts in Conference Proceedings
- H. Golecki, T. Golecki, B. Kaehr, S. Edwards and K.A. James, “Soft Robots in Medical Device Design: Integrated Design, Manufacturing, and Operation of Microscale Printed Compliant Mechanisms using Topology Optimization”. In proceedings of the 2024 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts; December, 2024.
- L. Alacoque and K.A. James, “Topology Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Compliant Mechanisms With Variable Loads and Supports”. In proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Vancouver, Canada; July, 2024.
- D. Oluwalana and K.A. James, “Topology Optimization of an Airfoil under Mass and Natural Frequency Constraints using Gaussian Function Parameterization ”. In proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Vancouver, Canada; July, 2024.
- W.B. Bello and K.A. James, “Application of Topology Optimization Methods to Spatial Packaging of Interconnected Systems with Thermal Stress Constraints”. In proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Vancouver, Canada; July, 2024.
- P. Chinthoju, Y.H. Lee, G.K. Das, K.A. James and J.T. Allison, “Optimal Design of eVTOLs for Urban Mobility using Analytical Target Cascading (ATC)”. In proceedings of the 2023 SCITECH Forum, Orlando, Florida; January, 2024.
- L. Alacoque and K.A. James, “Synthesis of Bi-Stable Morphing Airfoil Designs Using Topology Optimization with Variable Loads and Supports”. In proceedings of the 17th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM), Albuquerque, New Mexico; July, 2023.
- L. Alacoque and K.A. James, “Topology Optimization of Axisymmetric Structures with Design-Dependent Contact Loading”. In proceedings of the 15th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation (WCSMO), Cork, Ireland; June, 2023.
- K. Namdeo, A. Bhattacharyya, W. Zheng, K.A. James and T. Saxton-Fox, “Measurement of Aerodynamic Loads on a Passive Morphing Wing Under Unsteady Motion”. In proceedings of the 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, California; June, 2023.
- C. Parrott, S. Peddada, J.T. Allison and K.A. James, “Machine Learning Surrogates for Optimal 2D Spatial Packaging of Interconnected Systems with Physics Interactions (SPI2)”. In proceedings of the 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, California; June, 2023.
- G.K. Das, J.T. Gloyd, Y. Fu, G.J. Kennedy and K.A. James, “Topology optimization of crash-tolerant aircraft structures”. In proceedings of the 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, California; June, 2023.
- P. Ranjan, G.K. Das, E. Waddington, M.G. Lauer, P.J. Ansell and K.A. James, “Preliminary Design and Optimization of a Hydrogen-Electric Aircraft Concept”. In proceedings of the 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, California; June, 2023.
- Lee Alacoque and Kai James, “3D Topology Optimization of an Axisymmetric Wheel and Axle Structure with Orthotropic Constitutive Properties”. In the proceedings of the 2022 World Congress on Computation Mechanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computation Mechanics (WWCCM-APCOM), Yokohama, Japan; July-August, 2022.
- Waheed Bello and Kai James, “Thermostructural Topology Optimization of a Heat Exchanger with Stress Constraints”. In the proceedings of the 2022 World Congress on Computation Mechanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computation Mechanics (WWCCM-APCOM), Yokohama, Japan; July-August, 2022.
- Ghanendra K. Das, Prateek Ranjan and Kai A. James, “3D Topology Optimization of Aircraft Wings with Conventional and Non-conventional Layouts: A Comparative Study”. In the proceedings of the 2022 AIAA Aviation Forum, Chicago, IL; June-July, 2022.
- Corey Parrott, Diab Abueidda and Kai A. James, “Multi-Head Self-Attention GANs for Multiphysics Topology Optimization”. In the proceedings of the 2022 AIAA Aviation Forum, Chicago, IL; June-July, 2022.
- Andrew H. Fletcher, Philip M. Renkert, Andrew G. Alleyne and Kai A. James, “Topology Optimization of Dynamic Structures Using a State Space Representation”. In the proceedings of the 2022 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Baltimore, MD; May-June 2022.
- A. Bhattacharyya, S. Padadda, W.B. Bello, L. Zeidner, J.T. Allison and K.A. James, “Simultaneous 3D component packing and routing optimization using geometric projection”. In proceedings of the 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego, CA; January, 2022.
- W.B. Bello, S. Padadda, M. Jennings, S. Katragadda, K.A. James and J.T. Allison, “Underhood spatial packing and routing of an automotive fuel cell system using 2D geometric projection”. In proceedings of the 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego, CA; January, 2022.
- S. Padadda, L. Zeidner, K.A. James and J.T. Allison, “An introduction to 3D SPI2 (spatial packaging of engineering systems with physical interactions): A review of related work, existing gaps, challenges, and opportunities”. In proceedings of the 2021 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Virtual Conference August, 2021.
- S. Padadda, N. Dunfield, L. Zeidner, K.A. James and J.T. Allison, “Systematic enumeration and identification of unique spatial topologies of 3D systems using spatial graph representations”. In proceedings of the 2021 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Virtual Conference August, 2021.
- P. Ranjan, G.K. Das and K.A. James, “A large-scale aero-structural optimization framework for electric aircraft design”. In proceedings of the 2021 AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium (EATS), Virtual Conference August, 2021.
- A. Bhattacharyya, M. Bashqawi, S.Y. Kim, W. Zheng, T. Saxton-Fox and K.A. James, “Computational design and experimental testing of a flexible bi-stable airfoil for passive flow control”. In proceedings of the 2021 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual Conference August, 2021.
- L. Alacoque and K.A. James, “Topology optimization of compliant mechanisms with variable loading and supports using gaussian function parameterization”. In proceedings of the 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM), Virtual Conference July, 2021.
- C.M. Parrott and K.A. James, “Generative adversarial networks for multiphysics topology design”. In proceedings of the 14th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO), Virtual Conference June, 2021.
- K.E. Swartz, D.A. White, D.A. Tortorelli and K.A. James, “Multi-physics topology optimization of photonic bandgap metamaterials with elasticity and thermal conductivity constraints”. In proceedings of the 14th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO), Virtual Conference June, 2021.
- A. Bhattacharyya and K.A. James, “Multimaterial topology optimization of shape-memory polymer mechanisms with programmable morphology”. In proceedings of the 2016 Engineering Mechanics Institute and Probabilistic Mechanics Conference, Virtual Conference January, 2021.
- K.A. James, P.L. Kelly, and K. Swartz, “Topology Optimization for Synthesis of Planar Multi-Body Mechanisms”, In proceedings of the 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Virtual Conference, January 2021.
- A. Bhattacharyya and K. A. James, “Design of morphing shape memory polymer structures via multimaterial topology optimization”, In proceedings of the 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Virtual Conference, January 2021.
- Z. Kang and K. A. James, “Thermomechanical topology optimization of shape-memory alloy structures”, In proceedings of the 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, Virtual Conference, January 2021.
- K.A. James, A. Bhattacharyya and J.-Y. Kim, “Hierarchical design of shape-memory polymer mechanisms with large deformation kinematics”. In proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Virtual Conference November, 2020.
- S. Padadda, K.A. James and J.T. Allison , “Automated layout generation methods for 2D spatial packing”. In proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Virtual Conference August, 2020.
- S. Padadda, K.A. James and J.T. Allison , “A novel two-stage design framework for 2D spatial packing of interconnected components”. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Virtual Conference August, 2020.
- P. Ranjan, W. Zheng and K.A. James, “Mission-adaptive lifting system design using integrated multidisciplinary topology optimization”, In proceedings of the 2020 American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics – Aviation Forum, Virtual Conference, June 2020.
- K. Swartz and K.A. James, “Topology Optimization of Multi-Body Mechanisms Via Gaussian Layer Connectivity Parameterization”, In Proceedings of the 15th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, July 2019.
- Z. Kang and K.A. James, “Multimaterial Topology Optimization of Shape Memory Alloy Structures with Non-uniform Temperature Distribution”, In Proceedings of the 15th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, July 2019.
- A. Bhattacharyya and K.A. James, “Time-Dependent Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Multimaterial Topology Optimization of Shape Memory Polymer (SMP) Structures”, In Proceedings of the 15th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, July 2019.
- P. Ranjan and K.A. James, “Flutter Control Using Shape and Topology Optimization”, In Proceedings of the 2019 American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics – Aviation Conference, Dallas, TX, June 2019.
- A. Collazo Garcia, P. Ranjan, K. James, P. Ansell, “Flight Trajectory Optimization of a Sailplane After Rope Break During Tow-Assisted Takeoff”, In Proceedings of the 2019 American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics – Aviation Conference, Dallas, TX, June 2019.
- C. Chadha, A. Patterson, I. Jasiuk, J. Allison, K.A. James, “Repair of high-value plastic components using fused deposition modeling”, In Proceedings of the 2019 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, TX, August, 2019.
- Z. Kang and K.A. James, “Topology Optimization for Shape-Memory Alloys”, In Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, New York, NY, July, 2018.
- A. Bhattacharyya, N. Anderson, and K.A. James, “Design of Morphing Shape Memory Polymer Structures Via Topology Optimization”, In Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, New York, NY, July, 2018.
- K. Swartz and K.A. James, “Optimal Design of Multi-Body Mechanisms Using Layered Connectivity Parameterization (LCP)” , In Proceedings of the 2017 American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics – Aviation Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2018.
- K. Swartz and K.A. James. “Optimal Design of Multi-body Elastic Mechanisms”, In Proceedings of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Design Optimization Symposium, Livermore, CA, September 2017.
- Z. Kang and K.A. James. “Multimaterial Topology Design for Optimal Stiffness and Thermal Conductivity Response”, In Proceedings of 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 2017.
- A. Bhattacharyya, C. Conlan-Smith and K.A. James. “Topology Optimization of a Bi-Stable Airfoil Using Nonlinear Elasticity”. In Proceedings of the 2017 American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics – Aviation Conference, Denver, CO, June 2017.
- K.A. James, C. Conlan-Smith and H. Waisman. “Topology Optimization of a Bi-Stable Cardiovascular Stent with Snap-Through Response”. In Proceedings of the 2016 American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics – Aviation Conference, Washington, DC, June 2016.
- C. Conlan-Smith and K. James. “Implementation of Functionally Graded Materials in Compliant Mechanism Design using Topology Optimization”. In Proceedings of the 2016 Engineering Mechanics Institute and Probabilistic Mechanics Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, May 2016.
- K.A. James, C. Conlan-Smith and A. Bhattacharyya. “Simultaneous Topology and Material Design Optimization of Functionally Graded Structures”. In Proceedings of the 2016 Engineering Mechanics Institute and Probabilistic Mechanics Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, May 2016.
- A. Bhattacharyya and K. James. “Design of a bi-stable airfoil using topology optimization”. In Proceedings of the 2016 Engineering Mechanics Institute and Probabilistic Mechanics Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, May 2016.
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Topology Optimization of a Bi-Stable Cardiovascular Stent”. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, October 2015.
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Topology Optimization of Structures with Viscoelastic Creep Constraints”. In Proceedings of 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Diego, CA, July 2015.
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Topology design of structures for resiliency and optimal lifetime performance”. In Proceedings of the 2014 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Hamilton, ON, August 2014.
- K.A. James and H. Waisman. “Topology optimization of structures with continuum damage accumulation and material failure”. In Proceedings of the 12th U.S. National Congress for Computational Mechanics, Raleigh, NC, July 2013.
- K.A. James and J.R.R.A. Martins. “Level set topology optimization of structures with isoparametric mesh mapping”. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Shizuoka, Japan, June 2011.
- K.A. James, G.J. Kennedy, and J.R.R.A. Martins. “Aerostructural topology optimization of an aircraft wingbox”. In Proceedings of the 58th Aeronautics Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Montreal, QC, April 2011.
- K.A. James and J.R.R.A. Martins. “Topology optimization using a level set method with an arbitrary structured mesh”. In Proceedings of the 6th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Orlando, Fl, April 2010.
- K.A. James, J.R.R.A. Martins, and J.S. Hansen. “Three-dimensional structural topology optimization of an aircraft wing using level set methods”. In Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Victoria, BC, September 2008.
- K.A. James, J.R.R.A. Martins, and J.S. Hansen. “Structural topology optimization for multiple load cases while avoiding local minima”. In Proceedings of the 4th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Schaumberg, IL, April 2008.